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ACHC Accreditation for your Home Care Business

Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) is a CMS Deeming Authority and recognized leader in home health accreditation, ACHC offers a collaborative survey approach designed to enhance business operations and ensure the highest quality patient care. Developed specifically for Medicare-certified and Private Duty home health agencies their realistic standards help providers succeed in meeting the Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoPs) and industry best practices.

ACHC - Accreditation Commission for Health Care

At 21st Century Home Care Consultants, we are one of the top providers of consulting credentialing services for your business. As consultants, we go above and beyond to make sure your business meets and exceeds the necessary standards for compliance.Obtaining ACHC Accreditation means being credentialed and obtaining deemed status from the Accreditation Commission for Health Care.

Why Join Our Quality Outcomes Program?

To maintain quality services and stay on top of industry trends, and avoid low reimbursement rates and well claim denials, your agency will need comprehensive support.

Onsite Audits Performed at your agency

In partnership with the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC). Yearly audits are performed by both 21st Century and ACHC Surveyors at your agency.

Our Quality Outcomes Program focuses on three Key Areas:  Clinical Compliance, Regulatory Compliance, and Quality Improvement.

Former state and accreditation surveyors

We have assisted several thousand home health agencies obtain Medicare Accreditation. We understand how difficult this process can be. If you are looking to achieve Medicare Accreditation, we can help. Our clinical nursing consultants are experienced and well informed in this area. Most of which are former state and accreditation surveyors.

ACHC Accreditation Recertification

It is required that all ACHC Accredited Home Health Care agencies must go through a Re-Accreditation Process / Survey every three years to remain ACHC Accredited. This process of ACHC Re-Accreditation includes the completion of the PER (Preliminary Evidence Report).  A census of all patients that have been treated by the agency is also included in the PER.

The ACHC Accreditation Recertification process has become highly challenging, as Medicare has tightened their standards. If you used our home health care business and ACHC Accreditation previously to become Medicare or Private Duty Accredited, you can be assured that our home health care business consultants will provide you with the same high-quality services for your Re-Accreditation. If you are utilizing our services for the first time, you will find that our 25 years of experience in the Medicare/Private Duty Accreditation field will make the ACHC Accreditation Recertification process run smoothly with positive results.

Here is why you should work with us when getting your ACHC accreditation as a 21st Century client.

Turnkey New Agency Startup Process

We offer a turnkey business startup program that begins long before the ACHC Accreditation process. If you have an existing home health care business or beginning the process necessary to start one, our home health care consultants can help you successfully operate your agency and meet ACHC accreditation requirements.

We will help you to obtain a home health care license, regardless of your state.

Our home health care licensing consultants understand the differences in state requirements and processes for state license approvals. Our goal is to save you time and money.  Our goal is for you to save a minimum of three months off the normal waiting time to achieve a home health care license using our consulting services.

Our clinical department consists of seven master prepared home health care registered nurse surveyors. They are part of our nurse on-call process and will be available to assist you with any clinical/patient care guidance. They write all of the home health care policies and procedures to meet the state-specific home health care business license requirements, Medicare’s condition of participation as well as ACHC Medicare Accreditation or ACHC Private Duty Accreditation standards. Also included are forms and documents that will be required to operate your home health care business. This includes everything from HR Documents, to admission forms and in-services.

For more information on our home health care consulting and accreditation services please visit us at www.1stAccreditation.com.

ACHC Medicare Accreditation

If your home health care business plans to achieve ACHC Medicare Accreditation, our home health care consultants will complete your 855A Medicare Application and begin preparing your home health care business for ACHC Medicare Accreditation. Once the Medicare Application is approved, our home health care consultants will visit your home health care business staff to walk your home health care business through a mock ACHC Medicare Accreditation audit as if performed by an ACHC Medicare Accreditation site surveyor. Our clinical department will review your patient charts, personnel files, agency logs, write your committee minutes, etc., assuring you are in a good position and ready to achieve ACHC Medicare Accreditation deemed status when your ACHC Medicare Accreditation survey occurs.

ACHC Private Duty Accreditation

Our home health care consultants follow a similar process if your home health care business wants to achieve ACHC Private Duty Accreditation. ACHC Private Duty Accreditation is required for home health care businesses that are looking to achieve the highest level of standard, but not wanting to bill Medicare. As an ACHC Private Duty Accredited home health care business, your private duty home health care business will meet the requirements set forth by most insurance companies and state run Medicaid programs.

Training Seminars for ACHC Accreditation

Our home health care consultants highly recommend your home health care business and staff attends our home care university home health care training seminar prior to survey for ACHC Private Duty Accreditation or ACHC Medicare Accreditation. After attending our live Home Care Training and Home Health Care Training Seminar, you will receive all the necessary tools needed for your Home Health Care Agency to succeed. ACHC along with their clinical director are presenters at this seminar. Their presentation details the requirements and benefits of being ACHC Accredited.

For more information about our training seminars please visit us at www.HomeCareUniversity.net

client at 21st century health care consultants boot camp
Training Seminars for ACHC Accreditation
clients at 21st century health care consultants boot camp
clients at 21st century health care consultants boot camp

Successful ACHC Accreditation can reap many benefits for your home health care business.

Our ACHC Accreditation process will provide:

Accreditation allows you to raise your standards of excellence and be a health care leader in your community, accredited to work with all HMO Providers, remain compliant, work with all hospitals and be ready for the possible changes in FUTURE state regulations.

For a complete breakdown of our home health care business startup and ACHC Accreditation programs, please call us for more information at 888-850-6932.

To call Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) directly, 855-937-2242.