Community Health Accreditation Program
Home Healthcare is a process that certifies competency, authority, and credibility is presented.
The accreditation process requires an organization to undertake a comprehensive self-examination of all aspects of the business. This is accomplished through a questionnaire called self-study which serves as a detailed checklist for compliance with the standards.
What is the self-study?
The Self-Study addresses the clinical and business aspects of your organization by looking at:
- Quality of services and products
- Available resources
- Fiscal viability of the organization
- The organization’s attention to consumers
Chap requires all agencies to complete their self-study through their online portal called, CARES (Computer-based Accreditation Review System.)
21st Century Health Care Consultants will complete the Self Study for you in its entirety.
Core and Home Health Sections of the self study will consist of the following:
SELF-STUDY – Core Sections
The Core Study introduces your Agency with the presentation of Organizational Data to include your
- Administrative Profile
- Organizational Structure
- Employee Turnover
- Revenue Sources
- Client Volume/ Client Services.
One page is devoted to each of these topics and the information required is provided by you to us.
The next introductory section is devoted to answering questions relating to the Organizational Structure, quality of service, adequacy of resources, and long-term viability. 21st Century Health Care Consultants will answer each of these questions assuring that they are consistent with the policies and manuals that we have prepared and most importantly, that they are satisfactory to the CHAP Site Surveyors requirements.
The next section is the Core Self-Study. This section requests information on approximately 325 topics required by CHAP and ACHC for accreditation. 21st Century Health Care Consultants will address each of these topics by referencing over 35 “Self Study –Core Attachments” which we prepare. The fourth section is the attachments which consist of over 120 pages. Almost all are completed without requiring direct input from you. The few exceptions are items such as Resumes, Governing Board membership, Organizational Charts, and Insurance Coverage.
SELF-STUDY – Home Health Sections
The Home Health Section of the self-studies is a compilation of information pertaining to your agency’s organizational structure. The next Home Health section is the Home Health Organizational questions. These questions are specifically related to the Home Health area and pertain to Organizational Structure, quality of service, adequacy of resources, and long-term viability.
Like the core section of questions, we answer each of these questions assuring that they are consistent with the policies and manuals that we have prepared and most importantly, that they are satisfactory to the CHAP or ACHC Site Surveyors requirements. The Home Health Self Study addresses close to 400 items.
21st Century Health Care Consultants will respond to these items and reference the ten policies and procedure manuals that we can prepare for you as well. There are approximately 25 “Home Health Care Attachments” specifically prepared by us to address the queries enumerated by CHAP and ACHC.