Home Care Business

Finding Clients for Your Home Care Agency

A nurse holding a senior's hand

Where Do I Find New Clients for my Home Care Business? The uncountable amount of distractions that come with owning a home care or home health care business demands your attention in so many ways. At times you can get so overloaded, it would be easy to forget what made you want to get into […]

Help Elderly Loved Ones Enjoy Summer

family having a picnic outdoor with elderly loved ones

As the weather heats up, we celebrate summer with pool parties and backyard barbecues. Summer is the season for celebrating good times with family and friends. Perhaps the company of a loving parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent would make the experience even more memorable…

With all the cookouts and parties, we must always remember to celebrate summer with elderly family members. As home care providers, how can we include elderly family members in our summer celebrations? What are ways to ensure our elderly loved ones enjoy a safe, happy, and healthy time?

Whether you’re a caregiver for a sick loved one or just want to include elderly family members in your festivities, it’s imperative to cater to their specific needs.

In this article, we explore some tips and ideas on how caregivers can help elderly loved ones enjoy summer. Read article…